

62 Uppsatser om Genocide 1915 - Sida 1 av 5

Den politiska maktens bruk, missbruk och icke-bruk av historien : En analys av debatten om Sveriges och EU:s erkännande, samt Turkiets förnekande, av folkmordet på armenier, assyrier/syrianer/kaldéer,och pontiska greker 1915-1917

This essay is about use, misuse and non-use of history in politics. To recognize genocide is a use of history that has been established in politics, but also sparked debate. The position of non-use of history in international policy towards Turkey's denial policy has increasingly been replaced by recognition of genocide as a matter of making up with the story, moral consider, and where fundamental issues of culture, identity, history and morality has become guiding element in the discourse behind European expansion and integration policies. A breakthrough for this change is due to the Cold War's end; since the 1980s it has become possible to realize the humanitarianism which has its roots in the Enlightenment humanism underlying the United Nations, and later the EU conventions on human rights and genocide conventions. A genocide concept has become an important discourse in world politics that puts moral pressure on states to act.

Berättelser inifrån : En jämförande undersökning av vittnesutsagor om massakrer från två städer i sydöstra Turkiet 1915-1919.

The purpose of this essay is to examine and compare narrations by five witnesses, who has written about atrocities against Christians from 1915 to 1919 in what is today south-eastern Turkey, but what was then the Ottoman Empire. I have focused on how the roles of perpetrators, victims, spectators and protectors are featured in the witness narrations. Four questions were posed in the study: Who are portrayed as perpetrators, victims, bystanders and protectors in the various witness narrations? How are these roles expressed in the witness narrations? What differences can be found among the five selected witness narrations from Mardin and Urfa, 1915-1919? What are the explanations of the differences in the witness narrations? The method I have used has been an analysis in which I compare how the different narrations capture the events of 1915-1919. I have used three factors to look at the explanations why there may be differences in the witness narrations.

Forumkonkurrens. Prövning av folkmord inför ICJ och ICTY

The conflict in the former Yugoslavia was characterised by extensive war crimes committed by all parties in the conflict. Two international courts, The International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, have both judged if a genocide was committed in this conflict. This paper examines how these two courts relates to each other concerning their legal judgement of the crime of genocide. Two cases are analysed; the judgement of Radislav Krstic´ at the ICTY and the case Bosnia and Hercegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro at the ICJ.

Det ihågkomna och det bortglömda : en undersökning om hur fyra historiska händelser presenteras i skollitteraturen

This essay is a textbook study where I aim to review four textbooks regarding some historical events in the subject History. The textbooks are used in junior high school and the historical events are as follows: the genocide that happened in Congo during the leadership of king Leopold II, the genocide on Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, the Holocaust and the Vietnam War.By performing this study I wanted to answer these three questions:What differences and similarities can be found in how the events circumscribed?How much space do the various events have and has it evolved through the years 1980-2009?How can this be explained?The study has been analyzed from a post-colonial perspective and the recurring patterns that appear show how the texts are post-colonial. This means that the authors of the textbooks are writing about the same subjects, but in very different ways..

Historieskrivning och nationellt minne i Turkiet: en studie i hur historia kan glömmas och omöjliggöra ett folks upprättelse

The aim of this study is to examine Turkish nationalism in order to find what factors that play a part in Turkey's inability to confess and discuss such events as the Armenian Genocide, which took place between the years of 1915.-1923, by the fall of the Ottoman Empire. The factors found and examined closely are collective memory and the use of history. The paper is a case study of Turkey with a theoretical approach, trying to apply theories of nationalism, collective memory and history-writing on Turkish nationalism, in order to find an answer to how these factors stands in the way of reconciliation.Conclusions are that Turkey as a nation is stuck in a romanticization and glorification of the time of their founding leader, Atatürk, and the thought of the pure, homogenous Turkishness. This makes the nation incapable of discussing and accepting what others in this case acknowledges as historical facts. The taboo-making of these matters makes reconciliation today not possible..

Medskyldig till folkmord? En studie om internationella samfundets inblandning i folkmordet i Rwanda 1994.

The Rwandan genocide 1994 was a well-planned and ethnic based act that killedapproximately 900 000 people. The UN and the colonial powers are getting much attentionand are worldly discussed about the failure of interference before and during the genocide. Inthis study the history of colonial Rwanda will be analyzed and the UN relation will bediscussed. This will be done by examining how the colonial powers have affected Rwandathrough history and how the UN have responded upon the challenges towards Human Rights.Questions about accountability and failure will also be discussed and analyzed. This has beendone by analyzing highly reliable documents and books by NGOs and scholars.

Darfur - Ett utdraget Rwanda?

In the Darfur region, located in the West of Sudan, there is a conflict between rebel groups and the government-supported Janjaweed militia. The fighting?s, which started in 2003, has caused the loss of at least 200 000 human life and more than 2 million people have fled their homes. The conflict has been described as a? prolonged Rwanda?.

Folkmord i läromedlen : En undersökning om folkmords behandling i fem läromedel för gymnasiets A kurs i historia   

A large number of genocides have taken place in our history. The purpose of this essay is to examine how genocide is treated in five high school history textbooks. I have studied a large number of issues. I have examined which genocides are discussed in the textbooks and which genocides the textbooks don?t discuss.

Folkmordet 1915 på armenier, assyrier, syrianer, kaldéer och pontiska greker. Ett folkmord som idag kan medföra konsekvenser för Turkiet?

Den 11 mars 2010 beslutade Sveriges riksdag att erkänna folkmordet 1915 på armenier, assyrier/syrianer/kaldéer och pontiska greker. Förutom en viss upprättelse för folkmordets offer innebär den svenska riksdagens erkännande en påtryckning på Turkiet att göraupp med sin historia. Trots den stora enigheten inom forskningsvärlden och ett brett faktaunderlag som bevisar folkmordets existens, är ett erkännande av folkmordet inget som står på den turkiska statens agenda utan något som i den turkiska statens ögon utgör en brottslig handling. Detta arbete syftar till att besvara frågan om folkmordet 1915 kan medföra rättsliga konsekvenser för Turkiet. Med denna huvudfråga väcks andra frågor som först behöver besvaras i förevarande uppsats.

Från Östernärke till Amerika : Utvandring från Asker, Lännäs och Stora Mellösa: en jämförande analys under 1856-1870, 1881-1895, 1901-1915

From the mid 19th century to the early 20th century about 1.2 million Swedes left Sweden for a new life in America. Three parishes in Örebro län is at the centre of the research of this essay. The time span of this essay ranges from 1856-1915, divided into three periods; 1856-1870, 1881-1895 and 1901-1915. The main objective has been to compare the three parishes with each other, with Örebro län and with Sweden. What I have wanted to examine has been the following: How many people from each parish emigrated during each period? How many were men, women and children up to the age of 15? In the analysis part of the essay the results were compared parish with parish, and with Örebro län and Sweden.The analysis showed that the emigration of three parishes is commensurate with the Swedish emigration history.

Från Östernärke till Amerika : Utvandring från Asker, Lännäs och Stora Mellösa : en jämförande analys under 1856-1870, 1881-1895, 1901-1915

From the mid 19th century to the early 20th century about 1.2 million Swedes left Sweden for a new life in America. Three parishes in Örebro län is at the centre of the research of this essay. The time span of this essay ranges from 1856-1915, divided into three periods; 1856-1870, 1881-1895 and 1901-1915. The main objective has been to compare the three parishes with each other, with Örebro län and with Sweden. What I have wanted to examine has been the following: How many people from each parish emigrated during each period? How many were men, women and children up to the age of 15? In the analysis part of the essay the results were compared parish with parish, and with Örebro län and Sweden.

Idealflickor och idealpojkar : Förändring av idealbilder i Flickornas Julbok och Pojkarnas Julbok från 1915 till 1970

This essay is a qualitative content analysis of Flickornas julbok andPojkarnas julbok from 1915/1916 to 1920 and from 1966 to 1970. Mainfocus is the representations of gender that is produced in the books, and howthe ideal of the girl and the ideal of the boy is described.The result shows that the girl is undergoing a change of personality. The idealimage of the girl develops from caring, helpful, compassionate, and diligent,to become independent and brave. The Ideal for the boy in the books, bothfrom the 1910s and 1960s, is described as adventurous, courageous, curious,independent, sensible, strong and loyal. In the 1960s books the girl and theboy are described with similar characteristics, but the girl is also expected tobe cute while boy is expected to be technical and knowledgeable.

Samuel Barber, Knoxville: Summer of 1915, opus 24 : Drömbilder från barndomen

I denna textmässigt beskrivande del av mitt arbete med Knoxville: Summer of 1915 (opus 24), ett verk för sopran och orkester med musik av Samuel Barber och text av James Agee, har jag främst fokuserat på de delar i instuderingen av verket som haft mest betydelse för mig personligen, både som sångerska och som konstnär. Det som har haft avgörande betydelse för mig är verkets unika uppbyggnad, men även mina personliga känslor och egna livserfarenheter, som hjälpt till att forma min uppfattning om verket som helhet. De delar som belyses i uppsatsen är framförallt textens innebörd, verkets kulturella sammanhang och olika sätt som musik och sång kan samverka för att understryka och lyfta fram känslotillstånd och underliggande betydelser i ord..

Det regionala i det nationella : Svenska turistföreningens syn på landskapen 1915-1919

Syftet med detta arbete är att utforska hur Svenska Turistföreningen, i sina årsböcker mellan 1915-1919, förhåller sig i sina utsagor om människorna och landskapen till det regionala och det nationella. De frågeställningar som använts har varit: Vilka rumsligt anknutna utsagor finns om befolkningen i de olika landskapen och om landskapen som sådana? I vilken ut-sträckning bär dessa utsagor en regional eller nationell prägel? Sätts det regionala i kontrast till det nationella, eller ses det regionala som en del av det nationella? Hur talrika är dessa utsagor? Finns det en tendens att vissa landskapsskildringar innehåller fler eller färre av dessa utsagor? Finns det en förändring i dessa utsagor under den tid som undersökts? Källmaterialet har utgjorts av Svenska Turistföreningens årsskrifter mellan 1915-1919. Dessa behandlar Uppland, Småland, Bohuslän, Västmanland samt Skåne i den ordningen. För att uppnå syftet har en kvalitativ textanalys använts.

Den mångtydiga svenskheten : En studie av det svensk-amerikanska föreningslivet i Kalifornien utifrån en etnisk aspekt 1910 & 1915.

AbstractTitle: Den mångtydiga svenskheten: En studie av det svensk-amerikanska föreningslivet i Kalifornien utifrån en etnisk aspekt 1910 & 1915. (The multiplicity of Swedishness: A study of the Swedish-American society?s associations in California from an ethnic point of wiew 1910 & 1915.Author: Joakim FranssonMaster Thesis in History (10p)Växjö UniversityThe purpose of this thesis is to examine the Swedish-American associations in San Francisco and Los Angeles and how they withheld or/and formed a Swedish or American ethnic identity. The primary source for obtaining that objective is the newspapers Vestkusten and California Veckoblad were the announcements from the associations are analysed. The thesis main questions are as following: Which ethnic aspects appears in the announcements from the Swedish-American associations in the newspapers Vestkusten and California Veckoblad 1910 and 1915? And What similarities and differences in the ethnic expressions appears in the primary sources during these periods?The conclusions can be briefed as there was a great variety of Swedish-American associations during the examined periods, there was a frequent occurrence in both religious and secular movements.

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